LILO Configuration

LILO, the LInux LOader, is software that can be used to start Vine Linux on your computer. It can also start other operating systems, such as Windows 9x. Here, you'll be asked how (or whether) you want to configure LILO.

Create boot disk: You should create a boot disk if you are not installing LILO on the MBR or if you are not installing LILO at all.

Do not install LILO: You can choose to skip LILO if you do not want to write LILO to your drive. If you have two hard drives with a different OS on each drive, you may prefer to use a boot disk rather than LILO.

To install LILO, select where you want to install it. If your system will use only Vine Linux you should choose the Master Boot Record (MBR). For systems on which Win95/98 and Vine Linux will reside on a single hard drive, you should also install LILO to the MBR.

If you have Windows NT (and you want LILO to be installed) you should choose to install LILO on the first sector of the boot partition. Also, make sure to create a boot disk, otherwise you will not be able to boot into Linux.

If you choose not to install LILO for any reason, please make a boot disk so you can boot Vine Linux.

If your computer does not access a hard drive in linear mode, deselect Use linear mode.

If you wish to add default options to the LILO boot command, enter them into the kernel parameters field. Any options you enter will be passed to the Linux kernel every time it boots.

Boot Label: Every bootable partition is listed and labeled (under the Boot Label listing at the bottom of the screen, including partitions used by other operating systems. If you would like to add boot labels for other partitions (or change existing boot labels), click once on the partition to select it. Once selected, you can change the boot label in the field above it.